020 3667 2643 info@j3partners.co.uk

J3 Services - Disposals


Fully understanding the requirements of the client and his team when they are looking to dispose of an asset, is vital to ensure that we don’t just provide an accurate and detailed report, but understand what issues are key and raise these at the right time and in the right format.

In this is ever more fast paced sector, disposal surveys and sellers advice are becoming a crucial part of a property owners arsenal, to enable them to maximise their asset returns. They are becoming a vital tool in the property acquisition process, particularly on larger mixed used portfolios where speed of the acquisition due diligence is crucial. They detail the asset construction and condition, the feasibility of potential construction projects and the potential liabilities and future costs that may be incurred. This allows our clients to not only set an informed sales price but also speeds up the process for both parties.

To ensure the highest level of expertise, we will, where required, source and manage specialists, such as M&E engineers, lift consultants, environmental specialists and structural engineers.

 As well as a comprehensive appraisal of the property our reports are clearly laid out and include:

• Legal considerations to help identify site-related issues, not always evident from desktop searches
• Robust budget costings for repair and refurbishment works; vital for decision making and final price negotiations
• Concise observations and recommendations
• Clearly identified schedule of photographs

We achieve a fast turnaround of survey advice ensuring all pertinent issues are relayed immediately.

For further information on disposals please contact the J3 team


A well run construction contract is fundamental for any size of project and is also extremely beneficial for both employer and contractor alike, making the difference between success and failure.

J3 Partners can provide a full contract administration (CA) and project management (PM) solution for your project and our building surveyors are experts in all types of building contracts who are able advise on the most appropriate form for your project. We provide a comprehensive CA and PM service ranging from fit-outs to repair, new-build and refurbishment and maintenance, across the full range of property sectors.

We have vast expertise in providing the following all under a single appointment:

• Development and understanding of the ethos, aims and objectives of the client
• Production of design specifications, preparation of the contract documents, including drawings, schedules, specifications and penalty clauses
Tendering and procurement to the open market
Implementation of conditions, valuing and certifying the works and administering the practical completion; Ensuring you pay the right amount at the right time
Robustly monitoring contractor performance
Ensuring your building project is completed on time and a budget
Working in tandem with a range of other professional consultants, including M&E, structural and quantity surveyors
• Where required providing in house expertise on party wall matters, dilapidations and due diligence to ensure everything runs smoothly throughout the entire life of the project

For further information on project management please contact the J3 team